Is your image an asset or a liability?

Do you want to increase your success?  Are you hoping for a promotion? Are you re-entering the workforce and interviewing? In each scenario, you have studied, prepared and analayzed the client, the project, your skills and technical considerations.  But have you thought about what to wear?  Have you thought about your image - including your appearance, behavior and communication techniques?  These soft skills make up your personal brand and it is an important part of success.

What you wear matters.  It matters to pilots, who wear calming blue, professional uniforms to inspire trust and assurance.  It mattered to Tiger Woods, who wore red on Sundays to express a competitive, aggressive demeanor.  It matters to the financial industry, whose professional attire shows conservative values.  It should matter to you.  

A consistent and authentic image validates your professional and personal skills.  It displays your capabilities, financial worth, goals and desired position in life faster than any words or resume.  

As an industrial sales engineer for Eaton Corporation, I was responsible for selling $200k electrical systems to customers in the Silicon Valley.  More often that not, I was the only female, and the youngest person in a meeting of engineers and management.  I was focused on the specifications, pricing and function of many large projects.  

One thing I never worried about was my attire.  I always dressed in classic skirt or pant suit, with conservative accessories.  My goal was to appear professional, credible and organized.  In being clear in my image, I was able to not worry about what I was weraing and focus on the clients needs and closing business. 

If your image is not an asset to your success, call me to schedule an complementary consultation to bring your image from a liablility to an asset.